Gammy Bird Consulting Facilitation, Planning, Executive Transition and Training

Developing Powerful Plans and Implementation Processes

You work in environments where strategy is critical to your success. You need to know where you're going in the future and how you're going to get there.


Action plans or project plans are guides to quick, efficient implementation; strategic plans are a roadmap of your organization’s future; and individual plans determine where you as leaders and managers want to be in the future. We bring the methods, facilitation and design skills; you bring the need for alignment, clarity and/or success.

Strategic Planning

We value participation and efficiency. Using ICA’s Strategic Planning methods combined with others, we engage you in a five-step planning process to:

  • Assess your environment
  • Awaken your vision
  • Identify barriers to actualizing that vision
  • Develop strategies to overcome the barriers
  • Create an implementation plan that is grounded in accountability

We make sure values, vision, mission and actions are connected.

With you, Gammy Bird Consulting designs strategic planning projects that can take place over a few days or continue over a period of months.

Copyright © 2012 Gammy Bird Consulting, 161 Upper Jaffrey Road, Dublin, NH 03444,

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